Lasercave presents: Portland Sounds/Visions at Strange Matter

Portland-based label Lasercave is sending some of their best talent to Richmond (specifically Strange Matter) tonight with the electronic sounds of Jeffrey Jerusalem, the genre-bending gospel prog of Brainstorm and the song poems and video art of Jesse Malmed.

Jeffrey Jerusalem’s hyperkinetic attitude and boundary-bursting tastes combine playful, lo-fi bedroom disco with the top shelf techno-craftsmanship of his peers at DFA. Jerusalem, recently back from tour with YACHT and Bobby Birdman, has also shared bills with Girltalk, Drop The Lime, Starfucker, Nurses, and Holy Ghost.

Jeffrey Jerusalem – Man At Arms (Nurses Remix)

Brainstorm’s ecstatic and eclectic two-piece is like an eight-dollar smoothie made of Deerhoof, Sam Cooke, The USAisaMonster, and a little African highlife. Packing venues all over Portland, the band recently headlined at PDX POP NOW, has shared bills with Japanther and the Boredoms and, according to the Portland Mercury, “manages to sound like the entirety of Portland’s music scene whirled up in a blender, in a very good way.”

Brainstorm – Split the Lark

Jesse Malmed’s series of video-based song poems, lush videos, and Conversational Karaoke (a participatory installation in which the “audience” enacts complex, charming and strange dialogues of the artist’s design) are future-thinking, yet squarely set in the realms of historical experimental film, conceptual poetics, and ecstatic improvisation.

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