End The Drug War Concert & Rally

It’s 4/20, a day commonly associated with marijuana use. However you feel about the issue, there’s a big party happening at Monroe Park which you may want to check out.

The End the Drug War Concert and Rally takes place today from 1-6 p.m. and features music from People’s Blues of RichmondAnteroNight IdeaYoung Adult Fiction and Midair. The event will also include speakers Adam KokeshMatthew FoggMichael KrawitzEric Sterling and Nathan Cox.

From the press release:
April 20th in 2012 will signal a shift in how people view drug policy. With a majority 50% of Americans favoring marijuana legalization last year for the first time, it is evident that the War on Drugs should end.

The failures of the war on drugs stretch deep into various sectors of our society. From the 40,000 dead in Mexico since 2006, to the arrest of medical marijuana patients for using their medicine, the war on drugs affects us all.

From police shot down on the job by cartels that generate revenue from prohibition, to college students who are stripped of financial aid for having possessed a drug, the war on drugs hurts our ability to live prosperously.

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